FI visions and ideas 2 Research Customer Developement Revenue models Naming and Positioning Startup legal and ip team product mentor

Assignment Title:

Vision and Ideas 2

Steve Jobs and I had similar tough childhoods. My short work history at 2 – washed dishes, 5- ran a wood splitter for my brothers, first rent collection, first savings account (4) and sister, 6 added yard work; first checking account, 7- scrap metal, garden tilling, sold fishing worms, paid all household bills, all shopping, cut grass at Auto Zone. 8 – 13 got free cable, Atari many other game systems and wasted time with the neighbor girl. 14- started a paintball field and became the youngest NCP Referee in the country # 346. 15 – summer trip from California across the country before being crushed by a Ford LTD. 16 – became a Police cadet under Capt Now – Arthur Littlejohn, city police spokesperson. 17- joined US Army Military Intelligence Signal Corp. while my brothers- Col. Daniel Bulsa Pentagon retired, and Capt Derrick Bulsa- JAG attorney, training all State Prosecutors by Special Appointment of Gov. Nikki Haley after working daily with Congressman Trey Gowdy.
I’ve studied business for an hour a day for many years. My father told me not to go to college- I have 2 degrees. Not to over think- I have a book on Amazon. Not to ask questions or talk to strangers- I talk daily to my customers and students in India. My favorite website is (the new Google but, the public doesn’t know it, yet.) Now, Dad says," I know a lot and can change the world but, I have to get rich or no one will listen."
I went to 6 different colleges and lastly thought I was going to learn in business school the training type here at I did pre-med because I was socializing with a group that was all going to be doctors and didn’t know what i wanted to do. When I got to med school I knew I wanted to do something different and didn’t know what at the time so, I changed my major to business.
Professional career- I started at paintball field at 14 then, became a police cadet. At 17, I was a third shift assistant manager at a convenience store before following my brothers into the Army. Then, after retiring I drove for FedEx for 6 years before retiring again.
Entrepreneur – I feel I’ve been one all my life. I find a need then fill it. I have turned scrap canning cans into can vegetables to donate at the food bank since age 7. The last time I compiled to make something like PsyCore, I locked myself away for 3 days and wrote a book.
The world will be better when I am a VC like Jason Premo because I will be able to help more people like he does. I miss Premo’s grandfather though, I never met the man. People will listen more to be.
Being a Founder means being someone who meaningfully improves the world through the products they created.
5. 3 Products – These are in my life’s story because they are all problems a lot of people have had. Recap- Changing soft drink caps to reduce waste and use less plastic. PsyCore- Producing better medicines so, we live better, happier because I’ve lost people I care about to soon. Space-X-Changing rocket designs so they are like seeds to get people to Mars faster. It’s nice to be safe.
6. There were three paragraphs here on Brainquicken, Recap, new rocket designs that disappeared, twice. Successes – are easy. Failures teach.
7. 5 pieces of feedback 1. I should talk about the benefits of the product. 2. 5 more sentences here that disappeared.
11. Sent: Monday, July 27, 2015, 3:20 PM
Subject: Re: Your feedback requested

Hi Jason,

Please remove me from this list and replace me with someone that is not in FI. The intent of this section of the assignment is to send the mailing to people that are not in FI at all. It is to go to family, friends, and/or people that are potential future business associates. Sending to our workgroup will not meet the requirements. That is how I have interpreted it!

I am sending you this email as I start my entrepreneurial journey. I have joined a program to help me develop a series of ideas into a meaningful and enduring technology company. I would like to update you on my progress each week over the next few months.

To get started, please provide me with some feedback on three ideas that I am working on:

IDEA 1: PsyCore

I am thinking to develop a supplement to help your brain function in an upgraded manner through a new unique blend of vitamins, herbs, and fish brains. We will put all Soybean PS manufacturers out of business.

This idea appeals to me because of I have researched many compounds like brainquicken and over 300 clinical trial reports, and it is a good fit with my personality because of a have a passion for this knowledge and have a as in Pre-med and bachelors in business. What do you think?

IDEA 2: A Breakup Recovery Kit

I am thinking to develop products to lessen the bad feelings during a break up to help singles that have been in a broken relationship. The kit will get your feeling better faster than ever before. It may include a list of positive questions in your family, friends voices, funny cat videos, special fruit, popcorns, and stickers.

This idea appeals to me because something like should exist and doesn’t, and it is a good fit with my personality because of these tools are little known and who hasn’t been through a break-up. What do you think?

IDEA 3: Edge DVD

I am thinking to develop App, Website to redevelop interest in movies and DVDs through unique content that will show you amazing things about your favorite movies and shows you wouldn’t be known to ask about to help you enjoy them even more- Stay with your favorite scene, forever. We will plug you into the movies by leaving no questions unanswered and build on the latest news related to your favorites.

This idea appeals to me because I have run a sci-fi convention several times, and it is a good fit with my personality because I have rated over 28,000 movies on Netflix. What do you think?

I appreciate your insights, feedback, and support through this process. Please send me any feedback by Tuesday.

Warm Regards, Jason B. Feedback – Put all Soybean PS manufacturers out of business. “I like it!” 2. In regards to the three ideas, I prefer the first. You have put in a significant amount of effort and unless something has changed since we last spoke this actually is a viable product. I’m having a difficult time with the breakup recovery kit beyond junior high school. 3. Who knows, in today’s society stranger things have been successful, but I don’t see this as having the ability to generate meaningful revenue. 4. The last idea is a possibility if you can differentiate enough from the 1,000 other sources of movie trivia. Maybe take the approach Shazam did – sample a movie and instantly identify it and the position it is in then offer trivia bits in the near real-time scene for scene? Perhaps through Apple TV? You would have to do something that no one else is doing. 5. I like idea 3, We all have favorite movies and it is fun to see behind the scenes clips showing how the movie was conceived and made. While waiting in line for the ET attraction at Universal you are shown background information about the movie and I find it interesting.
2015-07-27, 05:00 PM
Added (Updated):
2015-07-15, 01:38 AM (2015-07-27)

Research and Customer Development (Edit)

Assignment Title:
2.(Interview Questions) Break up kit customer research
1. How did you get over your last break up? 2. What soothing and relaxing products do you use? 3. How much did the products help? 4. What’s your best example of thriving after a negative event in your life? 5. What was the best gift item received from your brother or sister? 6. What was the best gift item received from your mother/father? 7. What was the best gift item received from your family friend? 8. What was the best gift item received from your grandparent? 9. What hobby got you through a break-up? 10. Would you rent a pet? 11. What video game/ show episode/ movie helped you get over a break-up? 12. How do you let out intense emotions? 13. What is your favorite flower? the scent for it? if you could pick any. 14. What’s your favorite happy song? 15. What is your favorite pattern on fabric? What is your favorite material to touch? PsyCore customer research
1, Would you try a new supplement? 2. What unmet health need do you have? 3. What supplement brand is your favorite? why? 4. What supplements do you take daily? 5. What supplements have you received as a gift or would like too? 6. How much do you spend on supplements, monthly? 7. Do you prefer gummies, caps, or tablets? why? 8. Would you share your supplements with your children and pets? 8. Why did you decide to start your last supplement? 9. What would you pay to increase your intelligence? 10. Where do you purchase your supplements? 11. What is a question supplement question You have always wanted the answer to but, couldn’t find? Edge DVD customer research questions
Would you be interested in learning more about the writers of your favorite movies/shows? If so, which ones? 2. What’s an amazing fact about your favorite movie or show that you didn’t learn until at least a month after you saw it last? 3. What’s your favorite movie/show themed item? 4. Have you made a personal item based on a movie/show? If so, what? 5. What’s your favorite DVD extra from a movie? 6. What’s your favorite dvd extra from a TV series? 7. What one question have you ever wanted to be answered by your favorite celebrity? 8. What one question have you ever wanted to be answered by your favorite movie? 9. What one question have you ever wanted to be answered by your favorite TV series? 10. What movie would you have liked to have been an extra in?
3.(Customer Interviews) 3 ideas customer research revisions lessons learned
Break up kit customer research – Too many questions and things customers don’t want (not relevant) 2. Some people have figured this out. There are some better questions to ask on Quora and fro startups that are successful.3. compile a list of Q’s from the web, Quora to know what customers want. – Some of them, less of me.
1. How did you get over your last break up? (most don’t know. Some never did. Some have never been through one) /books 2. What soothing and relaxing products do you use? music/alcohol/ 3. How much did the products help? 4. What’s your best example of thriving after a negative event in your life? 5. What was the best gift item received from your brother or sister? 6. What was the best gift item received from your mother/father? 7. What was the best gift item received from your family friend? 8. What was the best gift item received from your grand parent? 9. What hobby got you through a break-up? 10. Would you rent a pet? 11. What video game/ show episode/ movie helped you get over a break-up? 12. How do you let out intense emotions? 13. What is your favorite flower? a scent for it? if you could pick any. 14. What’s your favorite happy song? 15. What is your favorite pattern on fabric? What is your favorite material to touch? PsyCore customer research
1, Would you try a new supplement? 2. What unmet health need do you have? 3. What supplement brand is your favorite? why? 4. What supplements do you take daily? 5. What supplements have you received as a gift or would like too? 6. How much do you spend on supplements, monthly? 7. Do you prefer gummies, caps, or tablets? why? 8. Would you share your supplements with your children and pets? 9. Why did you decide to start your last supplement? 10. What would you pay to increase your intelligence? 11. Where do you purchase your supplements? 12. What is a question supplement question You have always wanted the answer to but, couldn’t find? Edge DVD customer research questions
Would you be interested in learning more about the writers of your favorite movies/shows? If so, which ones? 2. What’s an amazing fact about your favorite movie or show that you didn’t learn until at least a month after you saw it last? 3. What’s your favorite movie/show themed item? 4. Have you made a personal item based on a movie/show? If so, what? 5. What’s your favorite DVD extra from a movie? 6. What’s your favorite DVD extra from a TV series? 7. What one question have you ever wanted to be answered by your favorite celebrity? 8. What one question have you ever wanted to be answered by your favorite movie? 9. What one question have you ever wanted to be answered by your favorite TV series? 10. What movie would you have liked to have been an extra in? 4.(Interview Analysis) PsyCore – Project 1 – Customers that were opening to a new supplement were wide-ranging. They seem to know much more than I would have assumed. There are many vitamins they knew by name but, not what they were for. They relied on “experts” at a store like GNC to “hocus pocus” advise them on what would work for their condition or a family member or friend. They could describe the bottle ( brown) silver or yellow lid but, not the brand. They spent between $30- $60 per month on natural medications. Quick Summary
- a natural supplement similar to
a new brain supplement -7 vitamins, PS from fish and 11 herbs.
Jason’s Success Plan
•Unique – The only brain supplement that has been formulated from the latest clinical trial results and has PS from an animal source. The first animal mankind ever ate.
•I am passionate about this to save the oceans. Tim Ferris’ formula was dangerous. My formula works and all other PS manufacturers from Soybeans do not.
•No friends or family other than my mother who has studied nutrition for over 40 years are giving me financial support but, I have sold diet and vitamin supplement samples from Walmart to countries all over the world. I have researched many different stores like GNC and my supplement is different, safer, and better than any on the market.
2. Remake Break up kit – My project was way too big. I feel my MVP for this one should be just and app – Galaxy Afformations. Customers did use a lot of different products and methods but, seemed to mostly use music, walking, and other sounds for comfort. This is easiest to be made into an app and is something not currently available. I would like to add the sound of different voices for recordings later. This was a great exercise for finding direction. 3. DVD EDGE – Again my project was too broad. An app application may lend itself to new shows and movies but, responses were age specific. My idea needs to be narrowed and may not be of enjoyment as much to older users. My market would need to be more limited and focused per/series and movie, not as cross-generational of I had originally thought. I should focus on the environment and scenes and not on actors and writers. 5)(Key Assumptions) 1. *Customers are willing to buy and try a new supplement. – *I am making something customers want this goes for all projects. – the production run will sell out at least 30 days from the day product goes on sale. (expiration). – the product fills customers UN-met need or want. GA- customers want a new different app and will use it daily. DE – I can get the info, rights if needed to attach this app (marketing and branding) to the related movie/ show. 6) Riskiest assumptions)(Online Survey) 1. Sold Out. Enough product will be sold to cover all costs before expiration. 2. GA- People want to improve their thoughts. 3. ED – people will use an app as a tool to enhance their enjoyment of a show or movie. Will an audience use an app for a few minutes before, during, or after a session to interact with entertainment to enhance their experience? Problem Discovery
Questions to validate your hypothesis about a problem, or to learn about problems.
•What’s the hardest part of your day?
•What are some unmet needs you have?
•What product do you wish you had that doesn’t exist yet?
•What tasks take up the most time in your day?
•What could be done to improve your experience with [process/role]?
•What’s the hardest part about being a [demographic]?
•What are your biggest/most important professional responsibilities/goals?
•What are your biggest/most important personal responsibilities/goals?
Problem Validation
If your customer did not talk about the problem you wanted to address, use the below questions to begin validating/invalidating that your customer has the problem you think they have. In addition, it’s often not enough to just solve a problem, sometimes it also needs to be one that people are highly motivated to solve. Some of the below questions can help with that too.
•Do you find it hard to [process/problem]?
•How important is [value you’re delivering] to you?
•Tell me about the last time you [process you’re improving] – listen for complaints
•How motivated are you to solve/improve [problem/process]?
•If you had a solution to this problem, what would it mean to you/how would it affect you?
Product Discovery
Questions to help generate ideas or to validate your idea. The below questions are intentionally very open-ended. By asking yes or no questions specifically related to your product, customers may feel inclined to agree with you or not be critical. By asking more open-ended questions, you can be more confident that they’re giving you honest input. If in response to the questions below, your customers tell you they’re looking for similar to what you have in mind, you might be on to something.
•What do you think could be done to help you with [problem]?
•What would your ideal solution to this problem look like?
•If you could wave a magic wand and instantly have any imaginable solution to this problem, what would it look like? – I’ve found that about 80% the time the answers I get to this question are not very informative – solutions that aren’t feasible or most certainly wouldn’t be profitable. But the other 20% of the time there are some really informative responses that make the other 80% acceptable.
•What’s the hardest part about [process you’re improving]?
•What are you currently doing to solve this problem/get this value?
•What do you like and dislike about [competing product or solution]?
Product Validation
Questions to validate/invalidate your idea.
•What do you think of this product? – this question is intentionally vague. Listen to whether they talk about wanting to use the product or how it could be improved. Given how vague the question is, the former is positive, while the latter may be a sign that improvement is needed.
•Would this product solve your problem?
•How likely are you/would you be to tell your friends about this product?
•Would you ever use this product?
•Would you be willing to start using this right away?
•What might prevent you from using this product? – might reveal ways that you could improve the product. Potential hurdles might be budget, time, perception’s of the product’s value, a competing product, etc.
•Will you pay $x for this product? – see if they will put their money where their math is. Often times when you ask this question, no matter how small the price, you will start hearing key insights that you wouldn’t have heard otherwise.
Product Optimization
Questions to help you improve your idea or product.
•What could be done to improve this product?
•What would make you want to tell your friends about this product?
•What’s most appealing to you about this product?
•What might improve your experience using the product?
•What motivates you to continue using this product?
•What’s the hardest part about using this product?
•What features do you wish the product had?
Ending Interviews
Questions to ask at the end of an interview. You may also need to ask for their contact information if you don’t already have it.
•[Summarize some of your key takeaways] is that accurate? – I usually do this throughout the interview.
•So based on the conversation, it sounds like x is really hard for you, but y is not. How accurate is that?
•It sounds like x is very important to you, while y is not. How accurate is that?
•Is there anything else you think I should know about that I didn’t ask?
•Do you know anyone else who might also have this problem that I could ask similar questions to? – small form of validation if they’re willing to give you referrals
•Can I keep you in the loop on how the product develops?
•Can I follow up with you if I have more questions?
7)(Survey Analysis)
My ideas had too many parts.
8)(Second Mailing) 1. brain supplement 2. Afformation (positive questions) app 3. time, temp, GPS location of an actor in a show/ made up world App – display as you watch.
•What’s the hardest part of your day?
•What are some unmet needs you have?
•What product do you wish you had that doesn’t exist yet?
•What tasks take up the most time in your day?
•Is there anything else you think I should know about that I didn’t ask?
•Do you know anyone else who might also have this problem that I could ask similar questions to?
2015-08-10, 05:00 PM
Added (Updated):
2015-07-23, 08:56 PM (2015-08-06)

Special Assignment (Edit)

2015-08-05, 05:00 PM
Added (Updated):
2015-08-03, 04:20 PM (2015-08-03)

Revenue Models (Edit)

Assignment Title:

Cash for Your Creations… * changing PsyCore into Life from Life CT (Clinically Trialed) Supplements *Galaxy Afformations going into production * Edge DVD app – custom for man v. wild; a long journey; The Hulk; Underworld.
1. CT S. – / wholesale/ buy 1 give 1/ retail offline/online. 2. GA revenue streams are a banner ad that the top of the app; .99 cents to remove it; 1.99 for daily reminders; .99 for unlimited email reminders and alarms. E DVD revenue will be examples- GPS, and temp free; humidity.99/ Hulk and Underworld- sales dvd’s of lighted movie/A Long Journey DVD sales of corrected closed captioning and English dubbing. – Cabr – like Uber but, we certify vehicles by mileage and have far better customer service.
3. The ideal customer for Psycore is male/female academic health conscious athletic that likes to change themselves both mentally and physically age 15-24. PsyCore provides that extra edge in peak performance. 1.… Which journal should I publish this research in? – The 5 Supplement Formulation stack models- 1. Wide Spectrum Blending 2. Concentrated Threshold 3. The 7 Systems care formula 4. Human cellular health 5. Beneficial Microbe Health
- How would I form an MLM like Isagenix? or should I start CT Supplements? ask CEO Garner’s N health/ Michael Lee of talked with Joel/ vitamin shop Blend sales online / – improved products and marketing. – MLM payment model intellectual property? Project #2 – is being built P #3 – LinkedIn- film editors/ recent film school grads. – Amazon/film making book review comments. Bing – search- improve old films, make your own films, – contact – joss Whedon, Ripley Scott zeerk/ Craigslist- hires – audacity/ RE sales callers… * changing PsyCore into CT (Clinically Trialed) Supplements *Galaxy Afformations going into production * Edge DVD app – custom for man v. wild; a long journey; The Hulk; Underworld.
1. CT S. – / wholesale/ buy 1 give 1/ retail offline/online. 2. GA revenue streams are a banner ad that the top of the app; .99 cents to remove it; 1.99 for daily reminders; .99 for unlimited email reminders and alarms. E DVD revenue will be examples- GPS, and temp free; humidity.99/ Hulk and Underworld- sales dvd’s of lighted movie/A Long Journey DVD sales of corrected closed captioning and English dubbing. 4. Cabr – like Uber but, we certify vehicles by mileage and have far better customer service.
4. 2. online will be,, website eCommerce to credit union account.
5. The 3 ideas – The last 2 are being developed. One is becoming an app and the other is on Kickstarter so, the first one – Psycore is a limited market. I have decided to expand it to CT Supplements. I will start with a private label- fish oil and red rice yeast for a treat of high triglycerides and high cholesterol and expand to PsyCore when I have an adequate customer base.
6. Acquire users online.
8. Life from Life CT Supplements
9. 3 Key pieces of feedback – Create a brand. Sell online. Get feedback offline in person from potential customers.
2015-08-17, 05:00 PM
Added (Updated):
2015-07-28, 08:33 PM (2015-08-18)

Naming and Positioning (Edit)

Assignment Title:
This was posted. see the pitch deck, added (updated: counter.
2015-08-24, 05:00 PM
Added (Updated):
2015-08-28, 03:37 AM (2015-09-05)

Mentor Idea Review (Edit)

Assignment Title:
posted. maybe a problem with windows 10 or new browser – Microsoft edge
1. I am the one with the special assignment, waiting to see what t is.
6. (Legal Meetings)
Greenville, SC
Douglas W. Kim
Poinsett Plaza
104 South Main Street
Suite 700
Greenville, SC 29601
864.271.4940 Main
864.271.4015 Fax McQueen Law Firm Good morning,
No, we do not. We are only licensed in South Carolina.
Terri Dillard
7. Fifth Mailing – power point New feedback from mentors – answered in and with 2 and 4 with my red team feedback from Friday and today.
2015-08-31, 05:00 PM
Added (Updated):
2015-08-28, 03:36 AM (2015-09-01)

Startup Legal and IP (Edit)

Assignment Title:
1. (Agreements) Read the entire text of the agreements that you have signed and are expected to sign as part of the Founder Institute, including the Founder Agreement, the Warrant / Option, and the Board Consent. Use Google to define terms and phrases that you do not understand.
2.A. (You Are Incorporated) If you have a professionally incorporated company and a lawyer, then immediately email your Directors and the name of your lawyer and the type of company that you have created for review in a message titled, “Existing Company.” You must have your lawyer fill out the Warrant / Option and Board Consent forms. Then, sign, scan and upload the forms under Edit Profile on the Founder Institute site before the next session. 
2.B. (You Are Not Incorporated) If you have not incorporated an entity, then you will need to attain a lawyer, incorporate your company and upload the Warrant / Option and Board Consent forms before the mandatory Incorporation Deadline.
Sign an Engagement Letter with your chosen firm. Scan the agreement and upload it to Google Docs. Paste the link into the assignment field. Make sure you set the sharing setting to "Anyone with the link.” This must be completed by the “Startup Legal” assignment due date.
3. (Legal Boilerplate) Acquire high quality legal templates for (1) a Mutual Non Disclosure Agreement for partners, (2) an Intellectual Property Assignment Agreement for team members, (3) a Work for Hire Agreement for development resources that properly assigns the Intellectual Property and (4) an advisor Agreement that grants equity in exchange for high-level guidance, which may be the FAST agreement linked to at the bottom of the site. Get them from your law firm if your law firm will provide these for free as part of incorporation. Otherwise, research them online. Upload the agreements to Google Docs. Paste the links into the assignment field. Make sure you set the sharing setting to "Anyone with the link.”
4. (Intellectual Property) Mark all of your work products with a copyright notice, such as “Copyright ©2015, MyCompany, Inc. All rights reserved.” Mark any sensitive information with the label “Confidential Information, MyCompany, Inc.” List the key work products and documents that you have marked.
5. (Rights Assignment) Write a list with the names, email addresses and Roles of everyone that you have asked to do measurable work on your new company. Then, as part of the company formation, have them all sign the intellectual property assignment agreement, marking them as “(Signed)” in the list when you have the document. Upload each of the agreements to Google Docs. Past the links into the assignment field. Make sure you set the sharing setting to "Anyone with the link.”
6.(Patents) If you believe that your business may have intellectual property that can be protected by a patent, such as hardware companies or companies based on deep science, then identify 2 CEOs of startups in related fields that have patents. Organize a 30-minute interview with them about the process that they used to secure their patents. Write the notes from each meeting. If you decide to proceed with a patent, write a bulleted list of steps, along with deadlines, that you would take to secure a patent over the next few months.
7. (Custom Assignment) Identify 1 or 2 custom assignments on topics of the law in your field or intellectual property that will be due before the next session. You set these assignments for yourself and push yourself to make the assignments challenging. Review each proposed assignment with your Working Group to ensure that they are challenging. Write each assignment and your work for the assignment.
8. (Sixth Mailing) Expand The List to include at least 10 more people, including the lawyer and team from your new law firm. Send the sixth mailing to The List stating your intent to incorporate and include at least 3 interesting facts that you have learned about the law and startup legal matters, possibly from your Custom Assignment.
1 (7.Custom Assignment) 1. I have created a page on 5 ways to make Supplement blends to realize threshold results from the prop. blending to address the primary desired effect of the supplement based on the 7 Human Body’s Systems. I filed and had dangerous Fish oil supplements at Walmart with the FDA having them all removed and reformulated with the a few weeks ago. I am creating a shelf life date standard for supplements based on oxidation and temp at the being of the manufacturing process. Research- what would I need to build a Neuron or the new learned, storing information node? Following new legislation requiring a supplement to contain all ingredients listed on the product to be in the product. Whom will be prosecuted the manufacturer or (formulator) seller.
8. (Sixth Mailing) The List intends to incorporate. Legal team to follow. Interesting facts – 1. How much is it going to cost and how long will it take?

2. Is there an easier, more efficient way to do this? Disclaimer, I’m the founder of, which is aimed at getting the company set up the Silicon Valley way as easily and efficiently as possible. Though many startups justDIY, the best use of the tool is for the startup to go through the questions, and use the access management features to invite their lawyer to review the information before completing it. We’re also building tools to simplify the ongoing corporate needs of the startup, like a cap table maintenance tool, financing document generators and valuation model generators.

3. Is a Delaware corporation right for my startup? If not what entity should I use and why?

4. Will the incorporation setup include putting in place founder vesting, rights of first refusal and IP assignment?

5. Should the founders pay cash or contribute technology for their shares?

6. Should I make any tax elections like filing an S-election or any 83b elections?

7. Does my business have unusual legal needs or risks?

8. When we are raising financing, will you be able to draft and negotiate NVCA or similar financing agreements, implement an option plan and handle securities compliance? Or, do you have relationships with other attorneys that will be able to help at that point?

9. How do I hire people?

10. What are the ongoing needs that I should be calling you for?
2015-09-07, 05:00 PM
Added (Updated):
2015-09-05, 03:31 PM (2015-09-06)

Team and Advisors (Add)

Assignment Status:

Product Development (Add)

Assignment Status:

Mentor Progress Review (Add)

Assignment Status:


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