Lessons Learned on Surveys

People will help if you ask correctly
People will offer great insight into their pains and needs if the right questions are asked
This can be a great prospecting and list building process
There are better survey tools available for surveys than Survey Monkey
People like helping other people. Especially when they get to share their expertise. However, they have many things
competing for their time so you must keep this in mind when designing a survey. Keep the survey short and to the point.
Tell them up front that this is a short 1 page survey with only 5 questions and that it should only take them 2 minutes to
complete. If your purpose is noble and if you have something to offer them in return, you will get better results.
To help with c
onversions, the top of the survey told the person viewing the page what we are trying to accomplish and
what we will give them in return
. Notice how I am coming at it from their perspective.
Thanks for participating in this short, one
page survey (< 5 mins
). This is to research what applications
accounting professionals like you need most, and what's missing for efficient workflow. We are
currently working on a product to fill these important needs, but want to hear from YOU before we
roll it out so it will
be the best tool you can use in your practice.
In appreciation for your input, we will send you a summary of the survey results. We'll also give you
the opportunity to be a beta tester, as well as get 60
days free on the finished application, if desired.
With one email to a friend’s list, I had 96 responses to the survey in 2 days. In addition to the wording on the survey, the
email she sent pre
sold the survey and her list trusted her. I was amazed, not just at the response, but how open the
people were
to sharing their needs. While you may want some structured questions with predefined answers, be sure to
allow at least one open question where they can tell you their problems or what they want. I got lots of great answers to
my 2 open ended questions.
the next page is the survey I ran. Note that it is 2 pages. I know, I told them it is a single page survey. I didn’t lie,
because they only see one page if they do not want any of the items I offered. Using this approach there is no mention
of an email ad
dress on the first page so people won’t resist taking the survey because they think they have to give up an
email address. However, if they desire any of the items I offered as an incentive, I need an email address to deliver it.
That is where page 2 comes
If they answer yes to question 5, they will see page 2 which asks for name and email address. Note the explanation for
why the email address is needed.
95% of the people responding to this survey wanted at least one of the incentives and
gave me their
name and email address. This means that I now have 92 people added to my list that want the survey
results and want to hear about the progress of the project. I think I need to do this a few more times.
When I researched survey tools, I found a wide varie
ty of price and functionality. At the low end, Survey Monkey is a
popular name. In my research, I came across one called
. As well as having all the needed functionality which
included the ability to add branching lo
gic, it had a great price. I signed up for a year of unlimited responses for $190.
They have a free plan that may suit many and allows double the number of responses of Survey Monkey, so I would
suggest giving them a try.
My one regret is that I did not ask for company size. As a consequence, I can
t validate that the firms most resistant to
spending were the real small firms
or segment the market. I
ll fix that for the next survey.


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