
Showing posts from 2017

How to Turn your Invention into Business by a Successful Female Inventor CEO

Get a Patent Agent, he'll submit your patent to go though the patenting process, you'll be "patent pending" for 4 years, then he'll turn you over to a Patent Attorney who will fight for your patent to be granted by the courts, once you Win your case, you'll receive the Full Patent and can begin seeking manufacturers in your industry, here's where you need to get "the numbers" to reach out to investors. Your manufacturer will tell you exactly what it would cost for your CAD designs on your product, you need the CAD's 1st, that will also determine how much your particular product will cost to make; parts, manufacturing, packaging, everything from beginning to the final product. Once you get those numbers, you will need to research & ask questions as to how much it's going to cost you to bring it onto marketplace. This includes distribution, shipping fees, & registration fees with the Gov. Bar codes for retail sales, also if deliver

Never USE Even Visit Stealing your data/ posts

  Quora - the place to gain and share knowledge, empowering people to learn from others and better understand the world .  It is more evil than The opposite of it's mission statement. It has "withdrawn into it's self",not unlike Hitler. Imagine google stealing your entire online content not just your blog posts and videos and then locking you out of your entire online information. moderators will do just that on an excuse, permanently banning you from your account at anytime. For, "sock puppeting like an on going Thesis, begin "Conservative" . avoid quora.COM LIKE YOUR ONLINE LIFE depends on it because, it does.  

Mall Recon Debriefing add to Ebay listings NEED IT NOW

 start / recyclemate. motion sensors for escalators. suits in style  site credit 4 looking @ websites. "NEED IT NOW" Yum creamy   Charlie's (Charley's)?  Philly Cheese Steaks. Smokin Wings (have new cpns) Sephora. Replace flooring. Dockers $75! Taller clear shoe displays.  Notice if implemented. - heel cup change to adjustable.

Deep Work Formula Summary, Be So Good They Can't Ignore You

1. Rare and valuable skills (career capital) 2. Creative control over projects 3. Control over your time (which allows you to do deep work, virtuous cycle) 4. Work that has a positive impact on the world 5. Working with people you enjoy being with The formula: -Use deep work to learn fast and build up rare and valuable skills. -Then apply these rare and valuable skills to the right projects so that you can build up career capital. -Then cash in the career capital to get more creative and time control over your job. -All the while, try to pick jobs and projects that have a positive impact and allow you to work with good people. -However, these are usually also things that you need to trade in your career capital (rare skills and experience using them) in order to maximize. -Don't try to save the world or have a big impact until you have the career capital to match. Otherwise, you will probably fail. You have to earn all these perks via building career capital by using

“Top 15” Takeaways from Deep Work

1. Spend enough time in a state of frenetic shallowness and you permanently reduce your capacity to perform deep work. . 2. I build my days around a core of carefully chosen deep work, with the shallow activities I absolutely cannot avoid batched into smaller bursts at the peripheries of my schedule. . 3. Two Core Abilities for Thriving in the New Economy 1. The ability to quickly master hard things. 2. The ability to produce at an elite level, in terms of both quality and speed. . 4. High-Quality Work Produced = (Time Spent) x (Intensity of Focus) . 5. Busyness as Proxy for Productivity: In the absence of clear indicators of what it means to be productive and valuable in their jobs, many knowledge workers turn back toward an industrial indicator of productivity: doing lots of stuff in a visible manner. . 6. Depth-destroying behaviors such as immediate e-mail responses and an active social media presence are lauded, while avoidance of these trends generates suspicion. . 7.

Persistence? Founded McDonald's, No... "Founder" Review Lesson

It's not doing the same business processes for a long time. It's focusing on one good concept that people are using long enough so others can add to that idea with other value added, addons. These magnifiers/ vectors carry the first idea, spreading it; faster and further than the first ever could have thought possible traveled unchanged. There is a thin line between Ambition and Narcissism. Harnessing mental illness is what has caused the USA to dominate the world.

How to Make Jeans Better than Levi's

 1)    .5 inches of the fabric could be removed from the bottom of the inside at the bottom of the zipper area. 2. Snip the corners of the outside leather name tag. It curls up and would look better/ save material. 3. stitch in "size tag" into waistband and lay flat and combine w/ inside the label tag into one tag so it runs along the waist stitching This way it won't flip out. These changes will help you sell more.

How to Not Procrastination Procrast-I-Nation

Here are nine strategies- 1.Calculate probabilities in modern terms When determining whether to complete a task / procrastinate, your brain runs a cost-benefit analysis that incorporates an estimate of the probability that you won’t ever need to complete the task. Where there was a more significant probability that we wouldn’t need to complete the task, and if you overestimate the probability that you won’t need to complete the task, you won’t be energized to complete it until the last minute. So, make a more accurate estimate of the probability that you won’t need to complete the task based on modern times and modern individual expectations. Be conservative and take into account that things often take longer than expected. Here are four action steps for re-calculating the probability of your obligation: Estimate the probability that you’re not going to be obligated to do whatever it is you need to do. Take into account your brain’s tendency to perceive the probability as being

Endless ways to improve everything that NO one is doing

cancel junk mail for all. Recycle for everyone. Share fresh food with all around you. Trim YouTube videos. report poor search engine results. Go for a walk and recycle the litter you find.

Startup Generator Guaranteed rigor to pick an idea

5 steps to facilitate progress through a system that in total should take about 30 - 40 hours to complete over a week or two. TL;DR Add rigor and discipline to your brainstorming and idea evaluation process: Build lists of potential customer types and business or pricing models. Evaluate the opportunities where these lists overlap. Then, exit your ivory tower and evaluate the top ideas with real potential users, customers, or suppliers. This will improve your likelihood of success and waste less time down the road, even if you pivot from your original idea.  There certainly are simpler answers like, “pick an area that is trending”, “look for a large market that hasn’t changed in 10 years”, or “convert your hobby into a business”. Unfortunately those aren’t particularly helpful, and since this question comes up often in discussions. - implementing the idea is the hard part. Three primary paths to a new business idea 1. The spontaneous idea:  The dots suddenly conne