How to Turn your Invention into Business by a Successful Female Inventor CEO

Get a Patent Agent, he'll submit your patent to go though the patenting process, you'll be "patent pending" for 4 years, then he'll turn you over to a Patent Attorney who will fight for your patent to be granted by the courts, once you Win your case, you'll receive the Full Patent and can begin seeking manufacturers in your industry, here's where you need to get "the numbers" to reach out to investors. Your manufacturer will tell you exactly what it would cost for your CAD designs on your product, you need the CAD's 1st, that will also determine how much your particular product will cost to make; parts, manufacturing, packaging, everything from beginning to the final product. Once you get those numbers, you will need to research & ask questions as to how much it's going to cost you to bring it onto marketplace. This includes distribution, shipping fees, & registration fees with the Gov. Bar codes for retail sales, also if delivered through the mail, what would it cost in retail value, wholesale, online, or website ordering, state fees, & PLI (Product Liability Insurance), port fees if any, if made out of the country. Once you get All Of Your Numbers, you can then start reaching out to investors AND Corporate Sponsorships "in Your Industry" of Baby products. You want your corporate sponsors to work "with you" as partners for a 2 to 3% interest on their investment with you "for 3 to 5 years" JD, their "incredibly valuable to your company" especially as a Start Up with a new product, because You Want Your packaging to speak volumes to your consumers, right? So when you have corporate sponsors on board with you, not only do they contract with you to help your brand, they'll give up to $24,000 to partner with you for a few years, just to add their Logo design on your packaging. Make sure when reaching out to corporate sponsors that You Mention it, they Love it, & it's one of the single most important part of their partnership with your company, "Their Logo is on Your Packaging" So all consumers see the value of Their Company on your product, and in return you promoting Them, as well. You need each other, JD. And you don't have to license out your patented product for a small royalty to a company that's already making somewhat of what you've patented. And you Still hold complete & total power over Your Patent & Your Product. 1. Get the full Patent, 2. Get The Numbers, 3. Then get your "Product Plan" or "Business Plan" created by an accredited well known Business Planning Company, 4. After you've perfected your "Pitch" of the product & start up company, 5. Reach out to Corporate Sponsors and Investors. 6. Get the backing and the funds and Go, my friend! Implement & take over the world by growing your company & expanding your brand into other nations that need exactly what you have to offer. You were given an idea not to sit & dream, you were Born to Do Exactly This, JD. Now what if the Ford brothers gave up? We'd still be in coach & buggy with our horses! And if the Wright Brothers gave up, we wouldn't be flying from one state or nation to the other, there would be no such thing as airplanes. Now, imagine making the world a Better Place & creating a company of your very own to wake up to every morning, and Loving Where You Work. Your office, JD, where you've single handedly created Jobs for your neighbors & fellow Americans. "Imagine The Possibilities"... Now, "What Do You Want To Be Legend For, JD?" Ahhhh-, Yep, "Think" You're The Chosen One For The Idea, Now What Exactly are You suppose to do with it? RUN, JD, run with it and take it to the next level! Help Your People; it's what you were Born to do.


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