Ultimate Stock Trading Plan

Can I as a complete idoit follow this trading a $2,000 portfolio? changes? put all Schwab Etf or half in small cap Open a Schwab account to use study tech. graphs (YouTube vids). Use Robin hood app til you build to $25,000. Trade 1 share aapl on RH 4 times per month/ day trade rule:( pick other stocks off ibillionaire list the more the better (owned by multiple) 9 FB, 7 Google, 4 aapl, etc. Pick a new stock to look at (catalyst changes/ new product, cfo, ceo, just bought a startup, ((banks formed new lobbying group/ yesterday)), crsp (curing cancer!,  etc.),  know your sell price before you buy, set sell just after, order is filled. set new entrance and exit prices. Follow these steps for the next company, repeat. When you have $25,000 you can trade each stock once every 366 to stay under 28% / 15% tax rate. If this doesn't work let me know why and search, "stock trading plan".


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