Break up kit customer research project code - GA

1. How did you get over your last break up?                                     2. What soothing and relaxing products do you use? 3. How much did the products help? 4. What's your best example of thriving after a negative event in your life? 5. What was the best gift item received from your brother or sister? 6. What was the best gift item received from your mother / father? 7.  What was the best gift item received from your family friend? 8. What was the best gift item received from your grand parent? 9. What hobby got you through a break up? 10. Would you rent a pet? 11. What video game/ show episode/ movie helped you get over a break up? 12. How do you let out intense emotions? 13. What is your favorite flower? scent for it? if you could pick any. 14. What's your favorite happy song? 15. What is your favorite pattern on fabric? What is your favorite material to touch?


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