The List Feedback on Ideas

  1. Founder next group   2. John T Fischer  Family friend for over 30 years   3. Matt Jackson Babylon 5 Facebook group  4. Simon Charlwood  5. Olin Fulk   6.  security 7. guy from  8. father 9. 10. 11. 12.                                                  IDEA 3: Edge DVD - The guitarist from U2 shows of his technique (largely involving lots of delay and echo) 4. 1: ok there is no definitive proof of any psychic ability so how you plan to unlock this I honestly don't know pretty sure fish brains ain't the answer tho. 2: this has been done it's called beer and mates everyone is different And responds differently to any given situation a generic kit won't cut it that's why there isn't one on the market now 3: it's called Wikipedia or YouTube or memory alpha and God knows what other fandom sites that have picked apart these films probably more times than you've had hot dinners. So whether or not you meant to post this here your ideas barring no 1 which is just well out there let's say, are irrelevant they've been done. Simon Charlwood if i knew that jason i probably wouldnt be working in a factory id be doing it myself personally i think in the next 10-20 years we are gonna develop a longing to distance ourselves from technology on our holidays etc back to nature etc if i had the resources id be pushing for that 5. Olin Fulk You need to put a coupon for the Mustang Ranch in that break up kit...  


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