Make Money in Five Steps Selling Pennies/ Meltdown

Step #1: Sell everything you own. Sell it all. Stocks, bonds, real estate. eBay your couch. Everything.

Step #2: Then convert it all into pre -1982 copper pennies. (1981 and older.)

Step #3: Meltdown the pennies.

Step #4: Sell the copper.

Step #5: Now use your proceeds to buy back all the stuff you sold. You’ll have more than enough left over.

The material in a pre -1982 penny is currently worth about 2.6 cents.

Not exactly legal.
Lincoln pennies minted before 1982 were made of 95% copper. Each penny weighing in at 3.11 grams yields 2.95 grams of pure copper. It takes approximately 151 pennies ( pre 1982 ) to yield 1 pound of pure copper. With copper prices averaging $3.85 / lb. Today, most scrap yards will pay about $3.00 / lb for scrap copper. You could actually get 100% more money by selling your pre - 1982 pennies for scrap metal rather than cashing them in at a bank! 


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