Your First Year In Network Marketing PUA Motivation Rules

The time is not right in their lives is the reason they said no. - gently back off and re approach - Rejection is your ally / handle it properly. - Persistence, coupled with absolute belief, can never be defeated.  - when you are not getting what you desire focus on your own attitude and change your behavior/improvements will naturally follow. - Offer customers the opportunity to redirect their spending on commonly used products they are already using. 2- educate your customers about all your new products and services, thereby undertaking to change their behavior.  - Be empowered by your vision of what you believe is truly possible for ourselves.  1. define your goals visualize the end result - see yourself there- then commit to your goal in writing.  2. Make a list of 2,000 warm market leads - people with whom you want to share the opportunity - prioritize the top 25. 3. personally use the products than find 10 more people to share them with. 4. Avoid all news.  Successful people
always concentrate on the end result, while others get struck focusing on the process, the "how".  How do i enjoy every facet of my life? because i easily and enthusiastically create fun, joy, and adventure. "  people listen to me when i talk because i have something of value to say.  I clearly communicate my business vision to others in such a way that they are inspired to join me and become a part of it.  - Because of my high self - esteem, i feel enormous satisfaction reaching my goals. I value myself as a person, and know that i am  worth at least $50,000.00 a month  I am proud to be building an MLM dynasty as I recruit dozens of excited people who rapidly duplicate my success.  Either you deserve a great life or a mediocre life amidst negative people.  a gather requires an upbeat, enthusiastic person who will attract others seeking their own well being.  - don't waste your energy supporting those who resist you, just think "next"  and move on.
Only share your enthusiasm, never negativity.  Eliminate depression 1. Avoid watching or reading the news. 2. read uplifting books/ inspiring tapes. Only speak and think to yourself in a positive, uplifting manner. 5. recall positive emotional experiences from your past. 6. focus on the future, not on the past. 7.set goals, use opposite sex -"she thinks" affirmations and afformations to reach your goals. Visualize yourself as you want to be. Avoid negative people, negotiate them to avoid acting negative around you.  Don't ever give up on your goals.  Visualize it happening to you at that very moment.  You win through integrity! There is nothing to hold you back but your self imposed limiting beliefs. YOUR INTENT- stimulate the curiosity of your prospects, not satisfy it. Empathize big money and free time. SW Rule - Some will, some won't, so what, because someone else is always waiting. When someone says no ask about to colleagues that might be interested in your opportunity. SHUT OUT NEGATIVE
INFLUENCES AROUND YOU.  we Elevate ourselves by lifting up others.  What we have done for ourselves dies with us. What we have done for others remains, and is immortal. Only by giving to others will we receive huge rewards.


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